Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Confessions of a Blogger Spouse

I'm married to a real blogger, one who posts every day and responds to comments. (And yes, you can use the word "real" about a virtual activity often denigrated by the increasingly unreal mainstream media.) "Why don't you go blog," she often says to me when I'm hanging around the house, in the tone of "Why don't you take some vitamins" when I'm complaining about a cold.
Usually I ignore both suggestions, but here I am, confessing that blogging is good. I may not like doing it much myself, but I have seen Vitamin B build bodies, minds and relationships eight ways.

Vitamin B1: The naturally reclusive can converse with numerous people any time they want, preferably all the time.
Vitamin B2: They can do it without showering, getting dressed or even getting out of bed. Okay, so Vitamin B-logy may not build bodies all that well.
Vitamin B3: They can make friends all over the world. My wife has mouse pals as far away as Italy, Japan and Australia, where it's now spring and the little downloading wheels on computer screens spin the other way.
Vitamin B4: My wife is happy. She has people to talk to besides me.
Vitamin B5: I'm happy. She has people to talk to besides me.
Vitamin B6: When she does talk to me, I hear all kinds of good gossip about people all over the world who aren't my in-laws.
Vitamin B7: I get to meet these blogger friends of hers. This is something they don't teach you in mainstream-media school. Bloggers actually get together in meatspace and talk instead of type. They're nice to each other and share food and drink, at least if they're food bloggers. Talk about meatspace. We had a party for some of my wife's blog pals recently, and it was grand. Nobody ranted. Nobody flamed except the guy who dug a pit barbecue in our yard. Everybody linked.
Vitamin B8: "Why don't you go blog." It's more than "Shut up." It's quite a useful phrase, no question mark about it.

Vitamin See You Next Month: My wife said that. She's the blogger.


Dagny said...

I like to see bloggers as a form of "the frustrated writer." Well, that's my case at least. And a few days before dining on some Mexican food, I had an epiphany. "Cranky is not a frustrated writer because he wrote for years." I whispered this comment into Cookie's ear over said Mexican food. Because in the week before, it had all clicked into place. I enjoyed your writing just as much before your retirement as I have since. One day you will have to meet my stepbrother and you can whine together. Oops. I meant commiserate.

Thank you for welcoming us all into your home. As a result of my dog-sitting gig, I met a woman who is a cigarette-smoking, beer-drinking minister who grew up in your neighborhood.

And speaking of such, I must get back to my cigarette-smoking. Oh, and post whenever the hell you want to. Who needs to be tied down by the definitions of others? I'm going to stop now before I start feeling the need to start a sit-in on campus.

Chilebrown said...

We met some other "Flamers" that did not even dig a pit in your yard'.They asked us what our title was, because we did not blog. When you comment only, are you a ?????? Can you patent "Meatspace"?

Zoomie said...

I just love the way you write. I'm with Cookiecrumb, why don't you go blog...more often! You've explained it to me, I just haven't accepted that I only get to read a new post from you once a month...

Chilebrown said...

Screw the Flamer's (not me). They were arrogant because we were not 'bloggers'. I guess that did not really bother me until I thought about the theatrics involved. Can you throw your Head and Lisp and the same moment. It takes practice. Is it worth it? I only did not realize that had happened until Ms. Goofy mentioned it the next day. Wow! I feel small even metioning this faux pause. I only like to cook. Oh well. I like virtual activity, I just do not like to be put in a category! I just want a recipe for Meat Loaf!!